Who else gets excited whenever it’s time to get a new planner? A few months back, I tried out a new customizable weekly planner. It has already been such a game changer in my life, that I had to share it! Post may contain affiliate links.
I have wondered several times over the years, where can I design my own planner? Becoming your Best Planner is the easiest custom planner manufacturer I have found online, with by far the most layout options and inserts.

First of all, I am in love with the artwork covers. There are so many choices! With my past planners, I’ve had very limited cover options. A few times, I made my own planner with laminated covers and binder rings, but that was a lot of work and not very durable. This pastel cover is so serene and brings me joy to open each day.
After selecting the cover, you can pick a weekly or daily layout and start customizing placement.

For the layout, I can choose if I want a quote, a text box, a habit tracker, etc., and customize how I want the weekly spread to look. I can also adjust the daily hours I want my planner to cover.

I came to this planner with a love for both the Passion Planner and the Planner Pad. With this custom planner, I was able to create a combination of what I enjoyed most about those planner layouts, modifying the things I always wished I could tweak.
The pre-week planning is the one feature I really missed from Planner Pad, and I love that the pre-week planning process is such a focus for the Becoming Your Best Planner. I stay on top of the glamping business, personal and family schedules so much better when I use it!
If you have ADHD like I do, I can’t say enough good things about how the pre-planning step helps me just get things down on paper as they come up, then funnel the really important things into my schedule!

Random Planner Accessories Sidenote: Since we are talking about the things we love in a planner, I want to briefly mention Frixion erasable gel pens! They are an absolute obsession, especially this dot pattern and the multi color!
My matching gold pineapple Dollar Tree pen is another favorite find. It has a great weight, and writes amazing- can’t believe I found it at Dollar Tree.
With my pens, some washi tape, and beloved Botanical Sticker Anthology, I am ready for a relaxing planning session.
Okay, back to making a custom planner!
Custom Planner Add-Ins
Another thing that really set this planner apart for me were the add-ins. I was able to select add-ins for planning and brainstorming, for meeting notes and networking events, for taking notes on my customer calls, bullet journal and note pages, to-do lists. There are also pages for family and finance, weight loss and fitness…the list goes on!
It is fun to explore, even just for the sake of planner or bullet journal inspiration!

In addition, I can select precisely where to put those inserts. Some pages I put in monthly with my calendars, others I have in the back behind my main planner. It was great to place pages exactly where I wanted, and at the frequency I needed.
I designed my planner to fit the exact needs of my life, and now it is the only book I need to manage all my roles.
Once I finish building my planner, it generates a full preview, to make sure it is set up exactly how I want before sending it to print.

The planner arrives beautifully packaged, along with an extra gift to help align each week to long term goals.
For me, planning is essential to keep my chaotic brain sorted. Life in general feels much more positive and manageable when I’m consistent! Key word there: consistent. Creating a planner so catered to my current season of life has made me more accountable than ever since becoming a Mom! I love that I can keep tweaking it as life changes.
Is there a planner or planner supply you can’t be without? I’d love to hear about it! And if you try out Becoming Your Best planner, I’d love to hear your experience! Feel free to use promo code JOY10 for 10 percent off at checkout!